Researcher biography

Lecturer in Strategic Communication at The University of Queensland’s School of Communication and Arts. PhD in Political Communication from The University of Queensland and MSc from the London School of Economic and Political Science (LSE). Long trajectory as a journalist, media relations and public affairs executive in Venezuela. Main areas of interest: political communication; strategic communication; populist communication; the mediatisation of politics and society; CGI/Virtual influencers and their impact on advocacy and PR; pandemic communication.

Selected articles

Block, E. and Negrine, R. (2017). The Populist Communication Style: Toward a Critical Framework. International Journal of Communication, 11(2017), 178-197

Block, E. (2013). A Culturalist Approach to the Concept of the Mediatization of Politics: The Age of ‘‘Media Hegemony’’, 23(2013), 259-278


Block, E. (2015). Political Communication and Leadership Mimetisation, Hugo Chavez and the Construction of Power and Identity. New York: Routledge

Areas of research