Call for Expressions of Interest for 2024 Digital Futures Fellow

13 June 2024

The Digital Futures Lab in the School of Communication and Arts (SCA) is offering a Digital Futures Fellowship for Semester 2, 2024. The Fellowship aims to support an inter-unit research collaboration between a SCA academic and an academic from another UQ organisational unit to work on a project focused on the future impact of digital technologies in Australia and worldwide. The Digital Futures Fellow will be provided with up to $5,000 for teaching or unit expense relief in their home unit.



Open to all staff on teaching and research contracts in any organisational unit in the University of Queensland.


Fellowship Duration

Commences 22 July 2024 and ends 31 October 2024


Application Requirements

Expressions of Interest should be maximum one-page in length and include:

  1. Name of the Digital Futures Fellow and a short research biography
  2. Name(s) of proposed collaborator(s) in the School of Communication and Arts
  3. Title of the proposed project
  4. Aims and background of the project
  5. Strategic relevance to understanding digital futures
  6. Proposed outcome


How to Apply

  • Send EOI, accompanied by a statement of in-principle support from the Head or Director of the applicant's organisational unit, to Associate Professor Adrian Athique, Director of the Digital Futures Lab in the School of Communication and Arts:



  • Deadline for Expressions of Interest: 21 June 2024
  • Notification of Award: 28 June 2024


For further details or inquiries, please contact Assoc. Prof Adrian Athique at
