Your thesis must include certain information and content to be considered for marking. There is a degree of choice about what order certain entries are compiled, but generally speaking the following is a checklist (italicised items are optional) and standard guide for submission. Check with your supervisor if you are unsure about ANYTHING.


  • Title Page with all the necessary information (see below)
  • Table of Contents
  • Statement of Sources (see wording below)
  • Acknowledgements (if any)
  • List of Illustrations (if any)
  • List of Tables (if any)
  • Abbreviations (if any)
  • Abstract (see below)
  • Introduction
  • Chapters (see below)
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix (if any, see below)
  • List of Works Consulted

Standard Guide

Word Length:
Your thesis should be 15,000 words (+/- 10%). For further details on what is included in the overall wordcount, please consult Section 5.5 of your thesis code's Course Profile.

Title Page

Your title page should contain the following information:

  • [Title of thesis]
  • [Your Name]
  • This statement: "A dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of (either) Arts, Communication or Journalism with Honours in [Subject Area]"
  • Supervised by [Supervisor's Title and Name]
  • University of Queensland, [Year]
  • Word count: [word count]

Table of Contents:
Your table of contents should list everything contained within your submission, and the relevant page numbers for each should also be included.

Statement of Sources:
"The work presented in this thesis is, to the best of my knowledge and belief original, except as acknowledged in the text, and has not been submitted either in whole or in part, for a degree at this or any other university." 

[add the following if relevant]

"However, some sections of the thesis – namely [specific which] – expand on previous work submitted for assesment during my Honours program, because these courses are designed to inform the development of the thesis."

[Student to sign and print name]

Include a 300 word abstract. It doesn't need a title.

Chapters of Thesis:
Name chapters rather than simply designating them by number.

If you have appendices (supporting materials, interview transcripts, diagrams, etc.), title them and place them in the same order as listed on your contents page.


Submit two copies of a bound thesis to the School of Communication and Arts office, 6th Floor, Michie Building. Upload an electronic version to TurnItIn via Blackboard. If you have difficulties uploading via TurnItIn, please email an electronic copy to the Administration Officer at After grades have been finalised, the electronic copy will be converted to a pdf for loan to future honours or postgraduate students. You can request that your thesis is NOT loaned for this purpose.

The thesis should be in 1 1/2 or double line spacing, on A4 paper and printed on both sides of the paper.

Submission Dates

Theses are to be submitted by no later than 4.00pm, at the School of Communication and Arts office.

For the year 2024 the due dates are as follows: 
Students finishing Semester 1: 20 May 24
Students finishing Semester 2: 21 October 24

Access to Honours Theses

At the Academic Board meeting of 19 May, 1997, the following guidelines were formulated regarding Honours theses housed in Schools.

  • Honours theses should be retained by Schools for a period of at least three years as a record of scholarly activity.
  • Theses will normally be accessible, except where exceptional circumstances (e.g. intellectual property considerations, restrictions relating to the gathering of confidential data, particularly controversial author or course matter) apply.
  • Where exceptional circumstances apply, the Head should consult the author. In such exceptional cases the Head should not release the thesis without the author's consent.
  • Students should be informed that their theses are subject to FOI legislation and that the University will in all but exceptional cases make theses available without recourse to the provisions of the Act.

If a request for access is made under FOI legislation the normal FOI procedures will be followed.