Lecture | Manuhiri: Two Centuries of Māori Presence in Australia
Manuhiri: Two Centuries of Māori Presence in Australia
One in five Māori people live outside New Zealand’s borders and more Māori migrants live in Australia than anywhere. Although we often focus on the large and more visible migrations of the past two decades, Māori have been crossing the Tasman for two centuries.
In the Māori language, ‘Indigenous’ is usually translated as ‘tangata whenua’ (people of the land) which also means host, and which is part of a pair with the concept of ‘manuhiri’ or guest. Although we do not stop being Indigenous people when we leave New Zealand, we are manuhiri in Australia.
This talk will briefly trace this long history of trans-Tasman movement, and with a focus on writing and artistic production it will look at some of the ways that Māori people in Australia have been thinking about our presence here.
The lecture will be followed by open discussion.
Light refreshments will be served so booking essential by Thursday 21 April on 3412 5519 or email artgallery@logan.qld.gov.au
For more information visit the Logan Art Gallery Website.