Sojourner Cinema: cosmopolitan strangers and border crossings

Jane Mills | University of New South Wales

  • Friday 20 March
  • Room 601, Michie Building (#9)
  • 3pm - 4pm

This seminar relates to my current research project (a book) on "Sojourner Cinema" - that is, films made by directors who visit a foreign country as a guest to make a film in and about their host nation.  My analysis of these films raises spatial and temporal issues concerning hospitality and interrogates traditional understandings of geopolitical and cultural borders.

Associate Professor Jane Mills teaches film at UNSW.  Jane has a production background in journalism, television and documentary film, and has written and broadcast widely on cinema, media, screen literacy, censorship, feminism, sociolinguistics and human rights.  Her current research projects concern screen literacy learning, cosmopolitanism, geocriticism, sojourner cinema.  She is the Series Editor of Australian Screen Classics (co-published by Currency Press and the National Film & Sound Archive) and her books include: Jedda (2012), Loving and Hating Hollywood: Reframing Global and Local Cinemas (2009) and The Money Shot: Cinema Sin and Censorship (2001).

Sojourner Cinema: cosmopolitan strangers and border crossings

Fri 20 Mar 2015 3:00pm


Michie Building (#9)