About 2023 S.W Brooks Public Lecture
The S.W Brooks Visiting Lectureship was established in 1962 by a bequest to The University of Queensland of Arnold Edwin Brooks, Architect, of Brisbane, who died in 1958, to be known in memory of his father Samuel Wood Brooks. The object of the Lectureship is to promote visits to the University of Queensland by scholars in English Literature and Economics in order that staff and senior students of the University may benefit from their special knowledge and experience.
Land Claims: Painting, Poetry, and Indigenous Resistance
The enormous canvases of Gordon Syron, the contemporary Indigenous Australian painter, make claims to post-Mabo land rights in Australia. They also help reframe earlier literary works that, in their own way, lay claim to Indigenous land rights. This talk will shift between Syron's paintings and an 1848 Sydney newspaper publication by the Irish immigrant Eliza Hamilton Dunlop, using each to show how genre and medium have been used as tools for anticolonial resistance.
Event Details
Event Date: Tuesday 8 August 2023
Event Time: 5.45pm for a 6pm start, drinks and canapés 7–8pm
Event Location: The Terrace Room (Level 6), Sir Llew Edwards Building (14), The University of Queensland St Lucia Campus.
RSVP: Monday 7 August 2023
This is a free event.
About the Presenter 
Jason Rudy is Professor of English at the University of Maryland (USA), and author of Imagined Homelands: British Poetry in the Colonies (2017) and Electric Meters: Victorian Physiological Poetics (2009). His research has been supported by both the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS). Since 2007 he has brought American students to Australia to study Australian literature, history, and culture, and his current book project is an authorized biography of the Indigenous Australian painter Gordon Syron.
Campus Accessibility
The UQ St Lucia campus is accessible via various forms of personal and public transport. In line with our efforts to promote environmental sustainability, here are a few eco-friendly ways to travel to the event:
- Several buses run to and from UQ. These include the 29, 66, 192, 169, 412, 411, 429, 432 and more.
- Cycle to campus. UQ has several facilities to support and promote cycling to and across campus.
- UQ has on-site rideable transport, including e-scooters and e-bikes.
UQ Sustainable Event
The School of Communication and Arts is proud to be running a UQ Sustainable Event.
We strive to incorporate sustainable practice into all aspects of university life, from daily operations to long-term goals for minimising our impact on the planet.