Associate Professor Pradip Thomas
Associate Professor
School of Communication and Arts
Affiliate of Centre for Communication and Social Change
Centre for Communication and Social Change
Affiliate of Centre for Digital Cultures & Societies
Centre for Digital Cultures & Societies
+61 7 334 68297

Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2024). The gig economy in India: start-ups, infrastructure and resistance. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003491705
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2023). Platform regulation: exemplars, approaches and solutions. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780192887962.001.0001
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2022). Information infrastructures in India: the long view. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780192857736.001.0001
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2019). Empire and post-Empire telecommunications in India: a history. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2019). Communication for social change: context, social movements and the digital. New Delhi, India: Sage. doi: 10.4135/9789353287658
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2019). The politics of digital India: between local compulsions and external pressures. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780199494620.001.0001
Thomas, Pradip Ninan and van de Fliert, Elske (2014). Interrogating the theory and practice of communication for social change: the basis for renewal. Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137426314
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2012). Digital India: Understanding information, communication and social change. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications India. doi: 10.4135/9788132114017
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2011). Negotiating communication rights: Case studies from India. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781446270325
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2010). Political economy of communications in India: The good, the bad and the ugly. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9788132112334
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2008). Strong Religion, Zealous Media: Christian Fundamentalism and Communication in India. New Delhi, India: Sage.
Mazonde, Isaac N. and Thomas, Pradip (2007). Indigenous knowledge system and intellectual property rights in the twenty-first century: Perspectives from Southern Africa. African Books Collective.
Thomas, Pradip N. (2000). Communicating Difference: The Making and Unmaking of Common Values in India. London: World Association for Christian Communication.
Book Chapters
Thomas, Pradip (2021). Religion, Media and Culture in India: Hindutva and Hinduism. Media and Religion. (pp. 205-218) edited by Stewart M. Hoover and Nabil Echchaibi. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110497878-012
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2021). Access to communication as resistance and struggle in the 21st century. Arts, culture and community development. (pp. 131-150) edited by Rosie R. Meade and Mae Shaw. Bristol, United Kingdom: Policy Press. doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781447340508.003.0008
Thomas, Pradip (2020). Journalism and the rise of Hindu extremism: Reporting religion in a post-truth era. The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Journalism. (pp. 232-244) edited by Kerstin Radde-Antweiler and Xenia Zeiler. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203731420-20
Thomas, Pradip (2020). Notes on the platformization of mainstream Hinduism. Platform Capitalism in India. (pp. 281-298) edited by Adrian Athique and Vibodh Parthasarathi. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-44563-8_14
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2020). Conflict and community radio in India: solutions possible and impossible. Community radio in South Asia: reclaiming the airwaves. (pp. 201-214) edited by Kanchan K. Malik and Vinod Pavarala. London, United Kingdom: Routledge . doi: 10.4324/9781003056232-15
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2019). Infrastructure and platform anxieties in India. Digital transactions in Asia: economic, informational, and social exchanges. (pp. 44-62) edited by Adrian Athique and Emma Baulch. New York, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429425110-3
Couldry, Nick, Rodriguez, Clemencia, Bolin, Göran, Cohen, Julie, Goggin, Gerard, Kraidy, Marwan, Iwabuchi, Koichi, Lee, Kwang-Suk, Qiu, Jack, Volkmer, Ingrid, Wasserman, Herman, Zhao, Yuezhi, Koltsova, Olessia, Rakhmani, Inaya, Rincón, Omar, Magallanes-Blanco, Claudia and Thomas, Pradip (2018). Media and communications. Rethinking society for the 21st century: report of the International Panel on Social Progress: Volume 2: Political regulation, governance, and societal transformations. (pp. 523-562) edited by IPSP (International Panel on Social Progress). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108399647.006
Thomas, Pradip (2018). Religion, communication and political economy in India: the case of gospel for Asia. The Indian media economy - Volume 1: Industrial dynamics and cultural adaptation. (pp. 214-232) edited by Adrian Athique, Vibodh Parthasarthi and S. V. Srinivas. New Delhi, India: Oxford University Press.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2017). The cost of truth telling in India: Reporting in the context of intolerance. The Assault on Journalism: Building Knowledge to protect Freedom of Expression. (pp. 87-92) edited by Carlsson, Ulla and Poyhtari, Reeta. Göteborg, Sweden: N O R D I C O M A/S / Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2017). South Asia. Global Media Giants. (pp. 326-339) edited by Benjamin J. Birkinbine, Rodrigo Gómez and Janet Wasko. New York, United States: Routledge.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2016). Observations on journalism and communication education in India. The international history of communication study. (pp. 435-451) edited by Peter Simonson and David. W. Park. New York, NY, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315727738
Thomas, Pradip (2015). India, China and the challenge of intellectual property at digital age. New media and metropolitan life: connecting, consuming, creating. (pp. 131-145) edited by Cao Jin and Graham Murdock. Shanghai, China: Fudan University Press.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2015). Theorising voice in India: the jan sunwai and the right to information movement. The Routledge companion to alternative and community media. (pp. 134-143) edited by Chris Atton. Abbingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315717241
Thomas, Pradip (2015). Communication towards a negotiated peace: conflict, contestation and the media. Communication and peace: mapping an emerging field. (pp. 303-315) edited by Julia Hoffmann and Virgil Hawkins. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315773124
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2014). Copyright and copyleft in India: between global agendas and local interests. The SAGE Handbook of Intellectual Property. (pp. 355-369) edited by Matthew David and Debora Halbert. London, UK: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781473910027.n20
Thomas, Pradip N. (2014). Beyond the dominant paradigm of communication rights? Observations from South Asia. Communication rights and social justice: historical accounts of transnational mobilisations. (pp. 135-151) edited by Claudia Padovani and Andrew Calabrese. Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137378309
Thomas, Pradip N. (2014). Theorizing development, communication and social change. Communication Theories in a Multicultural World. (pp. 213-227) edited by Clifford Christians and Kaarle Nodenstreng. New York , NY, United States: Peter Lang Publishing.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2014). Development communication and social change in historical context. The handbook of development communication and social change. (pp. 7-19) edited by Karin Gwinn Wilkins, Thomas Tufte and Rafael Obregon. Chichester, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781118505328.ch1
Thomas, Pradip Ninan and van de Fliert, Elske (2014). Revisiting CSC Theory. Interrogating the Theory and Practice of Communication for Social Change. (pp. 1-19) London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137426314_1
Thomas, Pradip Ninan and van de Fliert, Elske (2014). The IT Fix. Palgrave Studies in Communication for Social Change. (pp. 88-102) Springer Nature. doi: 10.1057/9781137426314_6
Thomas, Pradip Ninan and van de Fliert, Elske (2014). Communication Rights and Social Change. Palgrave Studies in Communication for Social Change. (pp. 132-147) Springer Nature. doi: 10.1057/9781137426314_9
Thomas, Pradip Ninan and van de Fliert, Elske (2014). The Making and Unmaking of CSC Policy. Palgrave Studies in Communication for Social Change. (pp. 103-117) Springer Nature. doi: 10.1057/9781137426314_7
Thomas, Pradip Ninan and van de Fliert, Elske (2014). Agencies, Structures and Social Change. Palgrave Studies in Communication for Social Change. (pp. 73-87) Springer Nature. doi: 10.1057/9781137426314_5
Thomas, Pradip Ninan and van de Fliert, Elske (2014). Communication, Power and Social Change. Palgrave Studies in Communication for Social Change. (pp. 52-72) Springer Nature. doi: 10.1057/9781137426314_4
Lee, Philip and Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2012). Endnote. Public memory, public media and the politics of justice. (pp. 200-207) edited by Philip Lee and Pradip Ninan Thomas. Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137265173_11
Lee, Philip and Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2012). Introduction: Public media and the right to memory: Towards an encounter with justice. Public memory, public media and the politics of justice. (pp. 1-22) edited by Philip Lee and Pradip Ninan Thomas. Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137265173_1
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2012). Beyond the status quo? Observations on theorising development, the digital and social change in India. Development communication in directed social change: A reappraisal of theory and practice. (pp. 218-230) edited by Srinivas R. Melkote. Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC).
Thomas, Pradip (2012). News makers in the era of citizen journalism: The view from India. International news in the digital age: East-West perceptions of a new world order. (pp. 149-165) edited by Judith Clarke and Michael Bromley. New York, NY, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203804674-18
Thomas, Pradip Ninan and Lee, Philip (2012). Global and local televangelism: An introduction. Global and local televangelism. (pp. 1-15) edited by Pradip Ninan Thomas and Philip Lee. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137264817_1
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2012). Whither televangelism: opportunities, trends, challenges. Global and local televangelism. (pp. 234-246) edited by Pradip Ninan Thomas and Philip Lee. New York, NY USA: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137264817_12
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2011). Accountability and media accountability: A view from India. Communication and citizenship: Rethinking crisis and change. (pp. 33-46) edited by Manuel Pinto and Helen Sousa. Coimbra, Portugal: Gracio Editor.
Thomas, Pradip (2010). Traditions of public journalism in India. International Journalism and Democracy: Civic Engagement Models from Around the World. (pp. 194-207) edited by Angela Romano. New York , NY, U.S.A.: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203852040
Thomas, Pradip (2010). The right to information movement in India. An introduction to communication and social change. (pp. 179-185) edited by Pradip Thomas and Michael Bromley. St. Lucia , Qld, Australia: UQP.
Pradip, Thomas (2010). Communication and social change. An introduction to communication and social change. (pp. 25-35) edited by Pradip Thomas and Michael Bromley. St.Lucia, Qld, Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Pradip Thomas (2010). The analysis of social change: From modernisation to new social movements. An introduction to communication and social change. (pp. 11-21) edited by Pradip Thomas and Michael Bromley. St. Lucia , Qld, Australia: UQP.
Pradip N.Thomas, (2009). Christian fundamentalism and the media in India. Fundamentalisms and the media. (pp. 198-218) edited by Hoover, Stuart M. and Kaneva, Nadia. London , U.K.: Continuum International Publishing Group.
Pradip N.Thomas, (2009). Media democracy. Encyclopedia of Communication Theory. (pp. 627-630) edited by Stephen W. Littlejohn and Karen A. Foss. Los Angeles: Sage.
Pradip N.Thomas, (2009). Media sovereignty. Encyclopedia of Communication Theory. (pp. 643-644) edited by Stephen W. Littlejohn and Karen A. Foss. Los Angeles: Sage.
Pradip N.Thomas, (2009). Digital divide. Encyclopedia of Communication Theory. (pp. 310-312) edited by Stephen W. Littlejohn and Karen A. Foss. Los Angeles: Sage.
Thomas, Pradip N. (2009). Christian Fundamentalism and the Media in India. Fundamentalisms and the Media. (pp. 198-217) Bloomsbury Publishing Plc..
Thomas, Pradip N. (2008). Making a difference: the right to information movement and social change. Communicating peace: entertaining angels unawares. (pp. 137-155) edited by Lee, Philip. Penang, Malaysia: Southbound.
Thomas, Pradip (2008). A contemporary "denial of access": Knowledge, IPR and the public good. 传播政治经济学: 英文读本. (pp. 334-342) edited by 曹晋 Cao Jin and 赵月枝 Zhao Yuezhi. Shanghai, China: Fudan University Press.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2008). Communication as an Academic Field: South Asia. The International Encyclopedia of Communication. (pp. Online-Online) edited by Wolfgang Donsbach. Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/b.9781405131995.2008.x
Thomas, Pradip (2008). Communication and the persistence of poverty: the need for a return to basics. Communication for development and social change. (pp. 31-44) edited by Jan Servaes. Thousand Oaks, CA united States: SAGE Publications Inc.. doi: 10.4135/9788132108474.n2
Thomas, P. N. (2007). Communication and Social Change: Expanding the research agenda. Understanding Development Communication. (pp. 143-162) edited by Srampickal, J. and Aram, A.. New Delhi, India: Media House.
Thomas, P. N. (2007). The case for communication in theological education. Communicatio Socialis: Challenge of Theology and Ministry in the Church. (pp. 169-177) edited by Rolfes, H. and Zukowski, A. A.. Kassel: Kassel University Press.
Thomas, P. N. and Nyamnjob, F. B. (2007). Intellectual property challenges in Africa: Indigenous knowledge systems and the fate of connected worlds.. Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Intellectual Property in the Twenty-First Century. (pp. 12-25) edited by Mazonde, E. N. and Thomas, P. N.. Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, WACC.
Thomas, P N and Servaes, J E J (2006). IPR and communications: Markets, communities and the public domain. Intellectual property rights and communications in Asia : Conflicting traditions. (pp. 241-249) edited by Pradip Thomas and Jan Servaes. New Dehli: Sage.
Thomas, P N (2006). Uncommon futures: Interpreting IP contestations in India. Intellectual Property Rights and Communications in Asia: Conflicting Traditions. (pp. 174-190) edited by P. Thomas and J. Servaes. New Dehli: Sage.
Thomas, P. N. and Servaes, J. E. J. (2006). Introduction. Intellectual Property Rights and Communications in Asia: Conflicting Traditions. (pp. 11-24) edited by P. Thomas and J. Servaes. New Dehli: Sage.
Thomas, P. (2005). Contested futures: Indian media at the crossroads. Democratizing global media: One world, many struggles. (pp. 81-99) edited by R. A. Hackett and Y. Zhao. Lanham, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc..
Thomas, Pradip N. (2005). That persistent 'other': The political economy of copyright in India. Media and Mediation. (pp. 436-464) edited by Bernard Bel, Jan Brouwer, Biswajit Das, Vibodh Parthasarathi and Guy Poitevin. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications.
Thomas, Pradip (2004). Media ownership and communication rights in India. Who Owns the Media? Global Trends and Local Resistances. (pp. 213-226) edited by Pradip Thomas and Zaharom Nain. London ; New York ; Penang, Malaysia: Southbound in association with WACC and Zed Press.
Thomas, Pradip N. (2001). The Political Economy of Communications in India. Critical Issues in Communication: Looking Inward for Answers. (pp. 78-99) edited by Melkote, S. R. and Rao, S. New Delhi: Sage Publishing/Sage Publications.
Pradip Thomas (2001). Freirean Futures: Towards a Further Understanding of Participatory Communications. Communication and Development: The Freirean Connection. (pp. 241-253) edited by Richards, Michael, Thomas, Pradip and Nain, Zaharom. New Jersey: Hampton Press.
Thomas, Pradip (2000). The State and Information Technology in India: Emerging Trends. India’s Development and Public Policy. (pp. 115-136) edited by Nagel, S. S.. Aldershot: Ashgate. doi: 10.4324/9781315201856
French, David, Richards, Michael and Thomas, Pradip (2000). Asia Television: Contemporary Issues. Television in Contemporary Asia. (pp. 59-68) edited by David French and Michael Richards. New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Thomas, Pradip (1998). South Asia. Television: An International History. (pp. 201-207) edited by Anthony Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Thomas, Pradip (1997). Alternative Media Networking: The Need for Cautious Enthusiasm. Media & Politics in Transition: Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalization. (pp. 53-60) Leuven: ACCO.
Thomas, Pradip (1997). An Inclusive NWICO: Cultural Resilience and Popular Resistance. Beyond Cultural Imperialism: Globalization, Communication and the New International Order. (pp. 163-174) edited by Golding, P. and Harris, P.. London: Sage Publishing/Sage Publications.
Thomas, Pradip (1996). Popular Theatre in Sickness and Health: Some Observations from India. Participatory Communication for Social Change. (pp. 213-222) edited by Servaes, J., Jacobson, T. and White, S. A.. New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Thomas, Pradip N. (1995). Ethics and the new global communications paradigm. Globalisation, Communications and Caribbean Identity. (pp. 215-226) edited by Hopeton S. Dunn. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers.
Thomas, Pradip (1995). Traditional Communication and Democratisation: Practical Considerations. The Democratisation of Communication. (pp. 143-154) edited by Lee, P.. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
Thomas, Pradip (1994). Participatory Development Communication: Philosophical Premises. Participatory Communication: Working for Change and Development. (pp. 49-59) edited by White, S. A., Nair, K. S. and Ascroft, J. S.. New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Journal Articles
Thomas, Pradip (2023). The Handbook on Religion and Communication, Global Handbooks in Media and Communication Research. Journal of Religion Media and Digital Culture, 12 (2-3), 374-376. doi: 10.1163/21659214-bja10114
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2023). Populism, Religion and the Media in India. International Journal of Communication, 17, 2925-2938.
Thomas, Pradip (2021). Freire, comunicação e tolerância na Índia. MATRIZes, 15 (3), 1-20b. doi: 10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v15i3p1-20b
Thomas, Pradip (2021). Freire, communications and tolerance in India. Matrizes, 15 (3), 203-222. doi: 10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v15i3p203-222
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2021). Sanjay Asthana, India’s State-Run Media: Broadcasting, Power, and Narrative, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 210 pp. International Journal of Communication, 3857-3859.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2019). The imperialism of categories: Concepts and contexts in communication for social change. Communication Theory, 30 (4), 388-406. doi: 10.1093/ct/qtz026
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2018). Information, communications, rights and freedoms: observations on the sovereignty of the state and its citizens. Global Media and Communication, 14 (3), 174276651881187-360. doi: 10.1177/1742766518811872
Couldry, Nick, Rodriguez, Clemencia, Bolin, Göran, Cohen, Julie, Volkmer, Ingrid, Goggin, Gerard, Kraidy, Marwan, Iwabuchi, Koichi, Qiu, Jack Linchuan, Wasserman, Herman, Zhao, Yuezhi, Rincón, Omar, Magallanes-Blanco, Claudia, Thomas, Pradip Ninan, Koltsova, Olessia, Rakhmani, Inaya and Lee, Kwang-Suk (2018). Media, communication and the struggle for social progress. Global Media and Communication, 14 (2), 173-191. doi: 10.1177/1742766518776679
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2017). The Praxis of Social Inequality in Media: A Global Perspective. European Journal of Communication, 32 (6), 614-616.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2017). Social inequalities and the media. European Journal of Communication, 32 (6), 614-616. doi: 10.1177/0267323117739147
Thomas, Pradip Nian (2017). Contentious actions and communication for social change: the public hearing (Jan Sunwai) as process. Journal of Communication, 67 (5), 719-732. doi: 10.1111/jcom.12301
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2017). The contributions of Raymond Williams and E. P. Thompson to communication and social change theory and practice. European Journal of Communication, 32 (5), 405-418. doi: 10.1177/0267323117723968
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2017). Making News in Global India: Media, Publics, Politics. Media International Australia, 164 (1), 164-166. doi: 10.1177/1329878X17709662i
Given, Jock and Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2016). Indian television. International Journal of Digital Television, 7 (2), 151-154. doi: 10.1386/jdtv.7.2.151_2
Thomas, Pradip (2016). The state and community media. Journal of Alternative and Community Media, 1 (1), 39-40. doi: 10.1386/joacm_00016_1
Thomas, Pradip (2015). Contested religion, media, and culture in India: explorations, old and new. Economic and Political Weekly, 50 (18), 32-39.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2015). Communication and social change, making theory count. Nordicom Review, 36 (Special issue), 71-78. doi: 10.1515/nor-2015-0030
Thomas, Pradip (2015). Don't spoil my beautiful face: media, mayhem and human rights in the Pacific. Media International Australia, 154 (154), 157-157. doi: 10.1177/1329878x1515400136
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2015). Foreword. Nordicom Review, 36, 9-10.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2014). Public hearings and public spheres in India: the case of the Right to Information (RTI) Movement. Media International Australia, 152 (152), 133-142. doi: 10.1177/1329878x1415200114
Khorana, Sukhmani, Parthasarathi, Vibodh and Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2014). Public spheres and the media in India. Media International Australia, 152 (152), 75-76. doi: 10.1177/1329878x1415200108
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2014). The 'Red Surge': media framing of Maoist struggles in India. The International Communication Gazette, 76 (6), 485-504. doi: 10.1177/1748048514533763
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2014). Public sector software and the revolution: digital literacy in communist Kerala. Media, Culture and Society, 36 (2), 258-268. doi: 10.1177/0163443714526553
Thomas, Pradip (2014). The ambivalent state and the media in India: between elite domination and the public interest. International Journal of Communication, 8 (1), 466-482.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2013). Retuning all India radio. Economic and Political Weekly, 48 (40).
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2013). Redeeming all India radio: Public (Service) Broadcasting and Communication Rights. Economic and Political Weekly, 48 (31), 34-39.
Thomas, Pradip (2012). Muscular religions and the media in South Asia. South Asian Journal, 38, 56-72.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2012). Public sector software, participatory communications and social change. Nordicom Review, 33 (Special Issue), 77-90. doi: 10.2478/nor-2013-0027
Thomas, Pradip N. (2012). The empowerment potential of public sector software (PSS). MedieKultur, 28 (52), 115-131. doi: 10.7146/mediekultur.v28i52.5466
Thomas, Pradip N. (2010). On the journey of concepts. Media Development (4), 29-32.
Thomas, Pradip (2010). Exploring Indian Media. Australian Journalism Review, 32 (2), 139-140.
Thomas, Pradip N. (2010). Traditional knowledge and the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library: Digital quandaries and other concerns. The International Communication Gazette, 72 (8), 659-673. doi: 10.1177/1748048510380799
Thomas, Pradip (2009). Television in India: Satellites, politics and cultural change. South Asia, 32 (3), 563-564. doi: 10.1080/00856400903377239
Pradip N.Thomas, (2009). Bhoomi, Gyan Ganga, e-governance and the right to information: ICTs and development in India. Telematics and Informatics, 26 (1), 20-31. doi: 10.1016/j.tele.2007.12.004
Pradip N.Thomas, (2009). Selling God/saving souls: Religious commodities, spiritual markets and the media. Global Media and Communication, 5 (1), 57-76. doi: 10.1177/1742766508101314
Thomas, Pradip N. (2009). Cyanide for gold: Dealing with e-waste. Media Development, 4, 39-42.
Thomas, Pradip N. (2008). Information technologies and the life-sciences. Media Development, LV (3), 25-31.
Thomas, Pradip N. (2007). Why End Fundamentalism?. Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies, 22 (2), 131-134.
Thomas, P. N. (2007). Christian Fundamentalism and the Media in South India. Media Development, LIV 1/2007 (1), 23-31.
Thomas, P. N. (2007). The right to information movement and community radio in India. Communication for Development and Social Change, 1 (1), 33-47.
Thomas, Pradip (2007). The Politics of Radio in India. Media Asia, 34 (2), 113-117. doi: 10.1080/01296612.2007.11726851
Thomas, P. N. (2007). Telecom musings: public service issues in India. Info, 9 (2-3), 97-107. doi: 10.1108/14636690710734724
Rønning, Helge, Thomas, Pradip, Tomaselli, Keyan G. and Teer-Tomaselli, Ruth (2006). Intellectual property rights and the political economy of culture. Critical Arts: A Journal of South-North Cultural Studies, 20 (1), 1-19. doi: 10.1080/02560040608557773
Thomas, Pradip (2006). The communication rights in the information society (CRIS) campaign: Applying social movement theories to an analysis of global media reform. The International Communication Gazette, 68 (4), 291-312. doi: 10.1177/1748048506065763
Louw, P E, Servaes, J E J and Thomas, P N (2006). Drugs, development and the media: How has the media performed? Can it perform better?. Development Bulletin, Feb (69), 36-38.
Thomas, P N (2006). Understanding the new sciences in the pursuit of life. Media Development, LIII (2/2006), 51-56.
Thomas, P. (2005). Christian fundamentalism and the media. Media Development, 2005 (2), 3-9.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2003). Gats and trade in audio-visuals: Culture, politics and empire. Economic and Political Weekly, 38 (33), 3485-3493.
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2003). Digital Cohabitations: The Social Consequences of Convergent Technologies. Media Development, 2, 3-12.
Thomas, Pradip (2001). Copyright and the emerging knowledge economy in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 36 (24), 2147-2156.
Thomas, Pradip (1999). Knowledge regimes: the WTO, IP and public interests in India. Telematics and Informatics, 26 (1), 219-231. doi: 10.1016/S0736-5853(00)00005-8
Thomas, Pradip N. (1999). Trading the nation: multilateral negotiations and the fate of communications in India. International Communication Gazette, 61 (3-4), 275-292.
Thomas, Pradip N. (1993). Broadcasting and the state in India: towards relevant alternatives. International Communication Gazette, 51 (1), 19-33.
Thomas, Pradip N. (1993). Informatization and change in India: cultural politics in a post-modern era. Asian Journal of Communication, 3 (1), 64-83. doi: 10.1080/01292989309359573
Conference Papers
Vivienne, Sonja, Potter, Martin and Thomas, Pradip (2014). Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) as a tool for digital citizenship: preliminary surveys in India and Australia. Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, 9-11 July 2014. Campbell, ACT, Australia: ANZCA.
Van de Fliert, Elske, Thi Vuong, Pham, Thi Minh Hien, Do, Thomas, Pradip and Nicetic, Oleg (2010). Out of comfort zones, into realities: Research for development with upland ethnic minority communities in North West Vietnam. 9th European IFSA Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 4-7 July 2010. Vienna, Austria: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien [University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna].
Thomas, Pradip Ninan (2010). No policy as policy: The politics of broadcasting in India. International Communication Association 60th Annual Conference: Pre-conference on ‘Chindia’ Challenge to Global Communication, Suntec City, Singapore, June 22 2010.
Thomas, P N (2006). Bhoomi, Gyan Ganga, e-governance and the right to information: ICTS and development in India. International Association for Mass Communication Research, Cairo, Egypt, 23-28 July 2006. Cairo: International Association for Mass Communication Research.
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Research Report
Athique, Adrian, Ilavarasan, Vigneswara, Parthasarathi, Vibodh, Sharma, Tamanna, Thomas, Pradip and Vyshakh, M. (2024). Communications, media and internet concentration in India, 2019-2021. Ottawa, ON, Canada: Carleton University. doi: 10.22215/gmicp/2024.8