Dr Jennifer Clement

Researcher biography
I grew up on a tiny farm in rural New Hampshire, but have travelled a lot since then, living in London, Los Angeles, Nashville, and most recently Christchurch, New Zealand. I earned my B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of New Hampshire, and my Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University, and I have worked previously at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.
My research covers several areas including early modern literature and religion, adaptation studies, and the history of print culture. My first book, Reading Humility in Early Modern England (Ashgate 2015) argues for the importance of humility in sixteenth and seventeenth century English culture, and explores a range of texts from the period that engage with humility as a virtue, a trope, or a problem. My current book project focuses on early modern English sermons and emotions, and this project has also produced my most recent published articles.
I have published articles on Elizabeth I's writing and on her afterlife in eighteenth century drama, on Shakespeare and adaptation, and on book history. Other areas of interest include the history of emotions, adaptation studies, especially film adaptation of Shakespeare, and the history of the book.