Dr Melanie Piper
Teaching Associate in Digital Media & Teaching Associate
School of Communication and Arts

Piper, Melanie (2022). The biopic and beyond: celebrities as characters in screen media. New York, NY, United States: Bloomsbury Academic.
Book Chapters
Piper, Melanie (2020). "As bad as him": reframing Skyler White as Breaking Bad's overlooked antiheroine. Antiheroines of contemporary media: saints, sinners, and survivors. (pp. 57-74) edited by Melanie Haas, N. A. Pierce and Gretchen Busl. Lanham, Maryland USA: Lexington Books.
Piper, Melanie (2019). Speaking post-truth to power: comedy as alternative facts in Saturday Night Live. Trumping truth: essays on the destructive power of "alternative facts". (pp. 179-192) edited by Salvador Jiménez Murguía. Jefferson, NC, United States: McFarland and Company.
Piper, Melanie (2018). Jackie: portrait of a first widow. Personas and places: negotiating myths, stereotypes, and national identities. (pp. 97-110) edited by Jackie Raphael and Celia Lam. Toronto, ON Canada: WaterHill Publishing.
Journal Articles
Piper, Melanie (2019). Louis C.K.’s time’s up time out: rereading persona post-scandal. Celebrity Studies, 11 (2), 264-266. doi: 10.1080/19392397.2019.1623491
Piper, Melanie (2017). Blood on Boylston: digital memory and the dramatisation of recent history in 'Patriots Day'. M / C Journal, 20 (5).
Piper, Melanie (2015). Little big dog pill explanations: humour, honesty, and the comedian podcast. Philament, 20, 41-60.
Piper, Melanie (2015). Louie, Louis: the fictional, stage, and auteur personas of Louis C.K. in Louie. Persona Studies, 1 (1), 13-24. doi: 10.21153/ps2015vol1no1art415
Piper, Melanie (2015). Real body, fake person: recontextualizing celebrity bodies in fandom and film. Transformative Works and Cultures, 20. doi: 10.3983/twc.2015.0664
Piper, Melanie (2017). Docucharacters: public persona as character in film, television, and fandom. PhD Thesis, School of Communication and Arts, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2018.54