Associate Professor Jane Johnston

Researcher biography
Associate Professor Jane Johnston's research extends across critical public relations, communication and justice, and media diversity and change. She has published widely about the interface between courts and the media, most recently examining how social media has impacted on communication practice in this space. Her most recent research investigates critical intersections in public relations, with publications including Public Relations and the Public Interest (Routledge 2016) and a chapter in Critical Perspectives in Public Relations (Routledge 2016). She is the author/(co)editor of two successful public relations books which have both been published in multiple editions: Public Relations: Theory and Practice (co-edited first with Clara Zawawi, then Mark Sheehan); and Media Relations: Issues and Strategies. Johnston sits on several journal editorial boards and is a regular contributor to the news media.
Other External Grants:
Jury Duty Public Awareness Campaign, (2015), Commissioned by the Queensland Department of Justice and Queensland Courts, January 2015-June 2015. ($31,000).
Social media and Juries, (2013), Report commissioned by the Victorian Attorney General on behalf of the Standing Council on Law and Justice, by Johnston, J., Keyzer, P., Holland, G. Pearson, M., Wallace, A. & Rodrick, S. ($20,000).
Other Books (edited):
Johnston, J. & Zawawi, C. (eds.) (three editions 2000, 2004, 2009), Public Relations: Theory and Practice, Allen & Unwin, Sydney
Johnston, J. & Sheehan, M. (eds.) (2014) Public Relations: Theory and Practice, Allen & Unwin, Sydney