Tony Thwaites (2007). Reading Freud: Psychoanalysis as cultural theory. London: Sage Publications.
Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis and Warwick Mules (2002). Introducing Cultural and Media Studies: a semiotic approach. 2nd ed. Houndmills, Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave.
Thwaites, Anthony (2001). Joycean Temporalities: Debts, Promises, and Countersignatures. 1 ed. Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida.
Book Chapters
Thwaites, Tony (2016). Žižek, Slavoj. A Dictionary of Postmodernism. (pp. 194-195) edited by John Hartley. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley Blackwell.
Tony Thwaites (2016). Lacan, Jacques. A Dictionary of Postmodernism. (pp. 110-113) edited by John Hartley. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley Blackwell.
Tony Thwaites (2016). Poststructuralism. A Dictionary of Postmodernism. (pp. 149-150) edited by John Hartley. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley Blackwell.
Thwaites, Tony (2016). Truth. A Dictionary of Postmodernism. (pp. 190-193) edited by John Hartley. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley Blackwell.
Tony Thwaites (2016). Derrida, Jacques. A Dictionary of Postmodernism. (pp. 34-39) edited by John Hartley. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley Blackwell.
Thwaites, Tony (2016). Barthes, Roland. A Dictionary of Postmodernism. (pp. 3-7) edited by John Hartley. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley Blackwell.
Thwaites, Tony (2014). Freud. The Žižek Dictionary. (pp. 103-106) edited by Rex Butler. Durham, UK: Acumen Publishing. doi: 10.4324/9781315656229-29
Thwaites, Tony and Seaboyer, Judith (2013). Introduction: mourning's number. Re-reading Derrida: Perspectives on Mourning and Its Hospitalities. (pp. 1-6) edited by Tony Thwaites and Judith Seaboyer. Lanham, MD, United States: Lexington Books.
Thwaites, Tony (2013). Hospitality and its discontents (as such). Re-reading Derrida: Perspectives on Mourning and Its Hospitalities. (pp. 141-157) edited by Tony Thwaites and Judith Seaboyer. Lanham, MD, United States: Lexington Books.
Thwaites, Tony and Mules, W. (2002). Ideology. Introducing cultural and media studies : a semiotic approach. (pp. 158-179) edited by Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis and Warwick Mules. Houndmills, Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave.
Thwaites, A.G. and Mules, W. P. (2002). Discourse and Medium. Introducing cultural and media studies : a semiotic approach. (pp. 137-157) edited by Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis and Warwick Mules. Houndmills, Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave.
Thwaites, Tony (2002). Interactions of signs. Introducing cultural and media studies : a semiotic approach. (pp. 48-74) edited by Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis and Warwick Mules. Houndmills, Basingstoke, U. K.: Palgrave.
Thwaites, Tony (2002). Signs and Systems. Introducing cultural and media studies : a semiotic approach. (pp. 29-47) edited by Tony Thwaites, Llloyd Davis and Warwick Mules. Houndmills, Basingstoke, U.K.: Pelgrave.
Thwaites, Tony (2002). Some Aspects of Signs. Introducing cultural and media studies : a semiotic approach. (pp. 9-28) edited by Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis and Warwick Mules. Houndmills, Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave.
Thwaites, Tony (2002). Systems and strategies. Introducing Cultural and Media Studies: A Semiotic Approach. (pp. 180-209) edited by Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis and Warwick Mules. Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.
Thwaites, Tony (2002). Approaching cultural and media studies. Introducing cultural and media studies : a semiotic approach. (pp. 1-6) edited by Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis and Warwick Mules. Houndmills, Basingstoke, United Kingdom: Palgrave.
Journal Articles
Thwaites, Tony (2014). 'Through the windr of a wondr in a wildr is a weltr as a wirbl of a warbl is a world': wakeing worlding. Australasian Journal of Irish Studies, 14, 11-28.
Thwaites, Tony (2013). Three ways of going crazy: renewing ourselves to death. Ctrl-Z: New Media Philosophy (3), 1-5.
Thwaites, Tony (2012). Bound to hear: exergue and interpellation. Ctrl-Z: New Media Philosophy (1).
Thwaites, Tony (2010). Mr. Bloom, inside and out: Some topologies of the "initial style" of Ulysses. James Joyce Quarterly, 47 (3), 363-381. doi: 10.1353/jjq.2011.0031
Thwaites, Tony (2009). Molly and Bloom in the lists of "Ithaca". Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 51 (4), 494-502. doi: 10.1353/tsl.0.0034
Thwaites, Tony (2007). Circuits of meeting and telling: Joyce, psychoanalysis, and narration. James Joyce Quarterly, 44 (4), 679-696.
Thwaites, T. (2003). Catechistics, or, where was Moses when the candle went out?: Q, A, and hospitality in "Ithaca". James Joyce Quarterly, 41 (4), 653-664.
Thwaites, Tony (2002). 'Vigilant Hospitality': The Online Imperative and Teaching Cultural Studies. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 5 (4), 479-493. doi: 10.1177/13678779020050040701
Conference Paper
Seaboyer, Judith and Thwaites, Tony (2008). Fostering honours and postgraduate participation in university research communities. 2008 Quality in Postgraduate Research, Adelaide, Australia, 17-18 April 2008. Canberra, Australia: The Australian National University, Centre for Educational Development and Academic Methods.