Dr Lisa Bode

Researcher biography
Lisa Bode lectures in Film and Television Studies at the University of Queensland. She is the author of Making Believe: Screen Performance and Special Effects in Popular Cinema (Rutgers University Press, 2017), which historicizes screen performance within the context of visual and special effects cinema and technological change in Hollywood filmmaking, through the silent, early sound, and current digital eras, in order to shed light on the ways that digital filmmaking processes such as motion capture, digital face-replacement, and green-screen acting are impacting screen acting and stardom. She has published work in edited collections and journals on the implications of digital filmmaking technologies for synthetic media; screen acting and stardom, the cultural reception of the synthespian, mock documentary performance, and the processes through which dead Hollywood stars are remembered, forgotten, or re-animated. She co-edited the August 2021 special issue of Convergence on Digital Faces and Deepfakes on screen, and is currently writing a monograph for Rutgers University Press called Deepfakes and Digital Bodies.
She is on the editorial board for the series Animation: Key Films / Filmmakers (Bloomsbury Academic, and Animation Studies, the open-access peer-reviewed journal for The Society for Animation Studies. In 2020 she co-founded the Visual Effects Research Network with Associate Professor Leon Gurevitch