Dr Sarah Klenbort

Researcher biography
Sarah Klenbort writes short fiction and creative nonfiction. She is the author of over 40 publications found in literary journals, newspapers, magazines and anthologies here and around the world including Best Australian Stories 2015 and Guardian Australia. She won the 2023 ACPA Award for Best Education Coverage. She also won the 2019 Inktears Short Story Competition, the 2018 Field of Words Memoir Competition and the 2012 Wet Ink/Cal Short Story Prize (judged by Brian Castro). She had a Highly Commended short story in the 2011 Josephine Ulrick Prize (judged by Frank Moorhouse) and won the 2010 Mslexia Short Story Award (judged by Tracy Chevalier). She was also a winner of the 2010 HarperCollins Varuna Award for Manuscript Development. Her short fiction can be found in Overland and Southerly, and her nonfiction in Island and Eureka Street.
Dr Klenbort teaches creative writing and English literature.