Professor Kelly Fielding

Researcher biography
Kelly Fielding's research focuses broadly on understanding the social and psychological determinants of environmental sustainability. She seeks to understand environmental decisions and behaviours and to develop communication and behaviour change strategies that can promote greater environmental sustainability. A key focus of her current reseach is on sustainable urban water management, specifically, how we can engage communities with this issue, how we can communicate about new water technologies such as recycled waater, how we can promote water conservation, and how we can understand and communicate about drinking water supplies. Her research is also focused on understanding climate change beliefs as well as identifying ways to address climate change skepticism and inaction. In the past she has conducted research in the areas of sustainable natural resource management, domestic and public place recycling, and environmental activism. She takes an interdisciplinary approach to her research and has worked with local council, State Government, and catchment management authorities to undertake this research.
Research interests:
- Environmental sustainability
- Sustainable urban water management
- Climate change beliefs and action
- Social identity and norms