The Ford Memorial Prize was founded in 1916 by a gift of $200 from the Queensland United Licensed Victuallers' Association in memory of Lieutenant S.K. Ford and Corporal T.W. Ford, brothers, both of whom lost their lives in the defence of the Empire.
The award is open to undergraduate students who have not been twice awarded the prize. The best poem in English (published or unpublished) will be selected as the winner. The value of the prize in 2015 is approximately $296, designated as books.
- Applications are due: 14th December 2015
- Judging finishes: 30th January 2016
- Winner Announced: Orientation Week 2016
Entries are submitted to: Ford Memorial Prize, Undergraduate Scholarships and Prizes, JD Story Building, The University of Queensland 4072 by Friday 14th December 2015. All entries are to include name, student number, phone contact, current postal address, and the program in which enrolled.