To Bachelors of Communication/Journalism student Alys Marshall who is the recipient of the 2020 JB Fairfax Scholarship for Rural & Regional Journalism and Communications. The prestigious national award encourages and supports a young student who is passionate about pursuing a career in rural journalism and communications. As a recipient of the award, Alys will receive a $10,000 cash scholarship, practical work experience with two regional media outlets, and the opportunity to cover the 2021 Sydney Royal Easter Show.

The School's journalism department was thrilled to hear that Alys had been awarded the scholarship.
“As Alys’s journalism lecturer, I couldn’t be prouder. Alys is a motivated, smart and community minded young woman, and she has a big future ahead of her. She is exactly the kind of UQ graduate we are excited to see carry journalism forward," said Dr Richard Murray.
Growing up in NSW’s Burren Junction with a fourth-generation wool farmer and local nurse, Alys attributes her passion for telling the stories of regional Australia to her hard-working parents.
“I have a deep-rooted interest in the land, and I want to represent the voice of all people who live and work on this land through my writing. In particular, I am passionate about the wool industry and all the different types of people who work in it."

She continues, "I am also passionate about women on the land and the strength and resilience that they show every day.”
After graduation Alys is interested in writing feature articles for rural publications and pursuing a career at the ABC. Her goal is to communicate rural issues and the harsh realities associated with living on the land to the general public.
RASF Manager, Cecilia Logan says Alys embodies everything the award stands for.
“The scholarship was designed to provide opportunities for regional communication students who are striving to tell the stories of rural communities,” Cecilia Logan said.
“With so many regional media outlets closing down, the need for young, bright minds who have a passion for sharing the stories and issues that affect so many in our population is more important than ever."
“I congratulate Alys on all her achievements and am proud to call her our 2021 JB Fairfax Scholarship for Rural & Regional Journalism and Communications winner.”
Describing her UQ experience Alys said, "I would just like to say a special thank you to UQ lecturer, Dr Richard Murray, who pushed me to produce some of my best work for this award and who provided support throughout the whole process. UQ has such a strong team of staff working with all journalism students and I feel so lucky to be working and learning so closely with journalists who have achieved so much in their own careers."
You can view a recent story by Alys on the impact of COVID-19 on farming and farmers here.
The School wishes Alys all the best and looks forward to watching her career in the industry.