Researching the Media User through Big Data: A Research Methods Conversation with Dr Harsh Taneja
Roundtable with Dr Harsh Taneja on Researching the Media User through Big Data: A Research Methods Conversation
Date: Friday 21 June 2019
Time: 11am - 12:30pm
Location: IASH Seminar Room, Level 4, Forgan Smith Tower (#1), UQ St Lucia
A notable feature of Dr Taneja’s research is his creative use of the audience and media use data of commercial market information providers to answer fundamental questions about media usage. Together with his collaborators Taneja has developed valuable insights about the nature of the generation gap in online news use, pinpointed the central role online infrastructures play in shaping people’s internet usage, located the continuing role that both culture and institutions play in patterns of global use, showed how audience viewing repertoires are changing across platforms, ascertained changing ways in which users create viewing repertoires across media platforms, and ascertain the role heavy internet users play in fake news dissemination. In this research roundtable Taneja will discuss the research methods he deploys to allow the large datasets of panel-based audience measurement firms such as Nielsen and comScore to illuminate some of the most pressing problems in our transition to online enabled media. This Roundtable will be chaired by Prof Tom O’Regan, Co-Lead of the Platform Media: Algorithms, Accountability and Media Design HASS Strategic Research Fund Initiative.
About the Presenter:
Dr Taneja currently is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Advertising and Institute for Communications Research at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He completed his PhD at Northwestern University where with James Webster and colleagues he developed new approaches to the repurposing of large commercial datasets to provide evidence-based contributions to fundamental issues and debates in Communication and Media Studies. Dr Taneja’s UQ visit is supported by the HASS Strategic Research Fund initiative, “Platform Media: Algorithms, Accountabiliy and Media Design”. While in Australia Dr Taneja who also researches Indian media is giving a presentation in Perth to the “Platform Capitalism, Communication and Culture in South Asia” research symposium 18-19th June co-organised by A/Prof Adrian Athique in IASH, co-lead of "Platform Media" initiative.
* IMAGE: Harsh Taneja, Angela Wu, and Stepanie Edgerly, 2018 'Rethinking the generational gap in online news use: An infrastructural perspective', New Media & Society, 20(5): 1792 1812. DOI: 10.1177/1461444817707348
About Platform Media: Algorithms, Accountability and Media Design EVENTS
Platform Media: Algorithms, Accountability and Design is a Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences initiative that brings together researchers in the School of Communication and Arts and the T.C. Beirne Law School.
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