On 20 Novemeber, the School of Journalism and Communication presented an exhibition of the photographic stories produced by the AfterImages Master Class 2014.
Students who excelled in COMU1999 – the School’s introductory course in visual communication – were invited to participate in a ten-week visual storytelling workshop. The Master Class gave students invaluable experience in working with the visual. Guest workshops were delivered by a number of our doctoral candidates and the Afghani photographer Barat Ali Batoor, this year’s recipient of the Communication for Social Change award.
The 2014 Master Class culminated in a projected exhibition alongside the work of Barat Ali Batoor at the Communication for Social Change Award night in September. This website is a permanent digital archive for the stories collected in the AfterImages project.
This year, students were asked to respond to the theme “The Diverse Bonds of Family”: the importance of family relationships, and the responsibilities and privileges that remain central to the concept of family. Students worked with long-form documentary photography to develop the high quality images that will be on display.
There is a strong demand within the School for extending the practice of visual communication through photography. Based on the success of the AfterImages project, plans are underway to ensure the class takes place once a year.