Dr Alice Te Punga Somerville (full bio in link), from Macquarie University in Sydney was awarded the S.W. Brooks Fellowship for 2016. Dr Te Punga Somerville will take up the Fellowship at UQ from Monday 18th – Thursday 28th April 2016. The following list details the events for the visit.
Fellowship Events |
Monday 18th April |
11:00am-1:00pm |
NIRAKN Seminar Series | "Where is the Indigenous Humanities?". For more information or to RSVP to this event, click on the link.
Tuesday 19th April |
10:00-11:50am |
Location: Room 301, Seddon Building G (#82). For more information or to RSVP to this event, click on the link. |
1:00-2:50pm |
Seminar | The Pacifics and Other Oceans. Location: Room 601, Michie Building (#9). For more information click on the link. All Welcome. |
Wednesday 20th April |
10:30-11:30am |
Undergraduate Lecture and Discussion | Transnational Indigeneity: Theories and Methodologies (GEND3001). Location: Room S328, Social Science Building (#24). All Welcome.
3:30-4:50pm |
Postgraduate Workshop | Methodologies for Transnational Indigenous Studies. Location: Room 213, Chamberlain Building (#35) For interested Honours and RHD students.
Thursday 21st April |
9:00-10:20am |
Undergraduate Lecture | Indigenous Women's Perspectives (GEND1010). Location: Room 101, Seddon Building D (#82). All Welcome. |
Saturday 23rd April |
2:00-4:00pm |
Lecture and Discussion | Manuhiri: Two Centuries of Māori Presence in Australia. Location: Logan Art Gallery, Cnr Wembley Road and Jacaranda Ave, Logan Central For more information or to RSVP to this event, click on the link. |
Tuesday 26th April |
1:00-3:00pm |
Seminar | Pacific Studies, Indigenous Studies. Location: Room D114, Duhig Tower (#2) For more information click on the link. All Welcome. |
Wednesday 27th April |
5:15pm-6:30pm, followed by refreshments. |
S.W Brooks Public Lecture | "Here I Must Reach:" The Demands of Indigenous Texts. For more information or to RSVP to this event, click on the link. |